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Facilitate Learning Using a Variety of Given Methodologies (Train the Trainer) Course NQF 5



Click to view Unit Standard (SAQA Reg. No 117871)

Facilitators are mainly used in adult education and use their expertise in a subject to share knowledge and to guide a person to a higher level of competence. A Facilitator makes the process of learning easier by using outcomes-based training, which includes both theoretical and practical knowledge. Facilitator helps to grow and to achieve specific outcomes through the use of active participant-centered methods and regularly evaluate the learning process in real time and to measure how well the participants solve and achieve specific outcomes objectives at the end of the facilitation process.

In particular, people credited with this unit standard are able to:

  • Plan and prepare for facilitation;
  • Facilitate learning; and
  • Evaluate learning and facilitation.

COURSE DURATION: No Time Limit. Complete at your own time.



Quality Assured Partner: ETDP-SETA

ETDP-SETA Accreditation Letter: Click to view accreditation ETDPS1508

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.Facilitator Learning Outcomes

This course will provide recognition for those who facilitate or intend to facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies. Formal recognition will enhance their employability and also provide a means to identify competent learning facilitators. The area of focus of this programme will be;

Plan And Prepare For Facilitation

  • Who needs training
  • Distinguish training needs from other performance problems
  • Training needs
  • The benefits of training

Outcomes-Based Approaches To Learning

  • What is outcomes-based education and training

Aims, Principles And Objectives Of The NQF

  • What is a national qualifications framework (NQF)
  • What are the objectives of the NQF
  • What does our NQF look like

South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)

  • Setting Standards
  • Quality Assurance (QA)
  • National Standards Bodies (NSB’S)
  • Standard Generating Bodies (SGB’s)
  • Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA)
  • Education Training and Quality Authority (ETQA)

Skills Development

  • Legislation
  • Skills Development Strategy
  • Skills development in practice

Changes to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) landscape

  • Legislative framework
  • Improving the NQF
  • National skills development
  • The role of SETAs
  • Transitional arrangements

Identify Individual Learning Needs

Conduct a training needs analysis

  • Review the performance required by the task
  • What outcomes should be achieved by the learning
  • Consult with stakeholders
  • Conduct the learning needs analysis
  • Ways of gathering and using information
  • Establish review criteria
  • Discuss training with the learner

Cater For The Needs Of Stakeholders

  • Principles of learning
  • Andragogy
  • Barriers to learning

Different learning styles

  • David Kolb’s model
  • VARK Model

Learning Styles in the Classroom

  • Instructional design
  • ADDIE Instructional design model
  • Learners with special needs
  • Stakeholders

The structure of the learning plan

  • Planning the delivery of learning
  • Instructional delivery system
  • Learning (instructional) strategy
  • Learning (instructional) method
  • Training aids
  • Establish the structure of the training plan
  • Arrange Resources
  • Arrange The Learning Environment
  • Planning
  • Confirm Review Criteria

Conduct Training Sessions


  • Tasks of a Facilitator
  • The roles of a facilitator
  • Essential qualities of facilitators

Advise Learner

  • Conditions for successful training interventions
  • Discussion with learner

Create A Positive Learning Environment

  • Lesson Plan
  • Questions
  • Listening skills
  • Recapitulation, revision and drill
  • Communication
  • Self esteem
  • Motivation for learning
  • Trainer relationship building
  • Types of Trainer
  • Helpful hints for trainers

Training Methods

  • Common training methods
  • Which method to select
  • Handouts

The facilitation process in action

  • Getting the group started
  • Opening the session
  • Agree on guidelines
  • Determine learner expectations
  • Explain group learning outcomes
  • Draw up an agenda
  • Create a climate conducive to group activity
  • Apply Micro skills
  • Consolidate the learning


  • Applied Competence Is
  • Demonstrating Competence
  • Assessment Categories
  • Assessment Instruments
  • Criteria For Selection Of An Assessment Method/Instrument

Evaluate Learning And Facilitation

Needs Assessment To Evaluation

  • Evaluation of training programs
  • Evaluate the learning


Review The Training

Stakeholder Feedback

Make Recommendations

Do Facilitators need to be registered?

Some SETA’s will require the registration of facilitators.

Entry level requirements into this programme?

  • Certified copy of you ID document
  • School Grade 12 or tertiary qualifications
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Target Audience

  • Training Managers / Supervisors / HR Managers
  • Trainers / Facilitators / Coaches
  • Skills Development Designers (SDF’s) /
  • Learning Material Designers / Moderators

Online technical requirements

The system requirements for the Moodle user are modest. All you really need is a solid, reliable internet connection and a modern web browser which can be downloaded within our e Learning platform.

Operating system

  • Windows: Windows vista or higher.
  • Macintosh: Mac OS X or higher.
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