Operate a water cart
Unit Standard (SAQA Reg. No 262764)
Water carts and water trucks are specialised water carrying vehicles used across a range of construction and mining activities. These water cartage vehicles are often used in mining, and usually for dust control. There are often a series of spray nozzles on these water trucks, which spray water, hydrating mines. The core function of a water truck is to contain large volumes of water, which is used for cartage services through the use of mounted apparatuses and add-ons. Services include dust suppression, water haulage, pool fills, tank fills, landscape watering, compaction watering, and water delivery.
Successful candidates credited with this unit standard are able to:
NQF LEVEL: 2 CREDITS: 8 Quality Assured Partner: Construction Education And Training Authority |
The qualifying learner will be able to operate a water cart by understanding the functions of starting, shutting down and operating procedures for the machine. Learners who master the applied competence described in this course will contribute to the development of a professional community of Construction Plant operators. The area of focus of this course will be;