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Learning and Development Facilitator NQF 5



The purpose of the Skill Programme is to prepare a learner to function as a Learning & Development Facilitator

A Learning and Development Facilitator plans, selects and adapts learning resources required for the delivery of learning interventions in an occupational context. A Learning Support Facilitator applies advanced learning skills and techniques, using relevant tools and methods to help learners study and improve their performance in different subjects /learning areas

In particular, people credited with this skills programme are able to:

  • Support teaching and learning process
  • Identify, analyse and remedy learning barriers
  • Implement and evaluate learning support methods
  • Conduct formative assessments.  Facilitate learner support




Quality Assured Partner: Quality Council of Trades & Occupations (QCTO)

View Skills Programme Document: (220319)

View QCTO Accreditation Letter

Download Online Course Curriculum Here

Apply Enrollment Online Here



.Development Facilitator Learning Outcomes

Learning and Development Facilitator skills set is intended to develop competencies for employees located in the human resource management or development space within an organisation to ensure that effective skills development is driven within an organisation

242401001-KM-01, The statutory learning and development environment, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

Purpose of the Knowledge Modules
The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of the statutory environment that regulates the South African training and development environment.

KM-01-KT01: The statutory framework that governs the South African Qualification Authority

  • KT0101 Historic developments
  • KT0102 Overview of the legislative framework
  • KT0103 SAQA roles and responsibilities
  • KT0104 Key SAQA policies
  • KT0105 Lifelong learning and workplace integrated learning
  • KT0106 The National Learner Records Database
  • KT0107 The NQF and Level descriptors
  • KT0108 Sub frameworks and quality councils
  •  KT0109 Government structures and departmental roles and functions in skills development
  • KT0110 SAQA registered qualifications
  • KT0111 Statutory and non-statutory professional bodies and designations

KM-01-KT02: The statutory and regulatory framework that governs the occupational skills development environment 

  • KT0201 Overview of the statutory and regulatory framework (SDAct, SDLAct, BBBEE Act, EE Act, NQF Act)
  • KT0202 The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
  • KT0203 Sector Education and Training Representative Bodies
  • KT0204 Key QCTO policies and guidelines (DQP, AQP, Provider Accreditation)
  • KT0205 Learning programs, delivery models and policies
  • KT0206 Foundational Learning Competence Part Qualifications

KM-01-KT03: The statutory and regulatory framework that governs skills development funding

  • KT0301 The legislative and regulatory framework
  • KT0302 Levy payment and distribution provisions
  • KT0303 The statutory levy grant provisions for mandatory and discretionary grants
  • KT0304 Funding incentives

KM-01-KT04: National occupational skills development structures, policies and priorities

  • KT0401 The National Skills Fund
  • KT0402 The National Skills Development Strategy
  • KT0403 National transformational frameworks, plans and documents

242401001-KM-04, Facilitation of learning in occupational contexts, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

Purpose of the Knowledge Modules
The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of the knowledge required to facilitate learning and development in a variety of occupational contexts to learners with different needs.

KM-04-KT01: Principles and models for facilitation planning and preparation 

  • KT0101 Occupational curriculum, qualification and learning program outcome analysis
  • KT0102 Target group analysis
  • KT0103 Facilitation plans (scheduling, logical sequencing and flow of concepts, lesson plans, group and individual activities)
  • KT0104 Learning environment (including resources, cost effectiveness, impact on environment, use of blended learning and other methods)

KM-04-KT02: Facilitation principles, techniques and tools

  • KT0201 Adult learning and facilitation principles, models and theories
  • KT0202 Facilitation tools and techniques (such as encouraging communication, questioning, verbal and non-verbal communications, professional and ethical conduct, technology usage, flip charts, managing conflict and diversity)
  • KT0203 Key facilitation concepts (group dynamics, classroom management, inclusive education)
  • KT0204 Learning application and internalisation concepts (such as experiential learning, presentations, role play, case studies, group work, guided investigations, field work, experiments, project-based assignments, distance, RPL and research, scenario-based activities, observation)
  • KT0205 Best practice facilitation concepts and practice

KM-04-KT03: Evaluating, reviewing and reporting on facilitation

  • KT0301 Review models and processes (learner response, peer review, self-evaluation, client feedback, assessment results)
  • KT0302 Best reviewing, reporting and feedback practices for continual improvement

242401001-PM-04, Facilitate different methodologies, training styles and techniques within an occupational learning context, NQF Level 5, Credits 12

Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules
The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to gain competencies related to the facilitation of adult learning within an occupational context.

PM-04-PS01: Plan and prepare to facilitate a learning intervention

  • PA0101 Plan a process to collect information and administer a baseline needs assessment to determine the level and nature of the learning needs of the target group
  • PA0102 Evaluate and collate the information collected into a profile for the target group
  • PA0103 Select and motivate a learning intervention that will best serve the profile of the learners and outcomes identified
  • PA0104 Compile a referral letter for learners who cannot be accommodated due to physical or personal barriers to learning
  • PA0105 List all required resources required including venue, materials, equipment

PM-04-PS02: Facilitate the learning intervention

  • PA0201 Manage and direct learning activities
  • PA0202 Manage learner behaviour and group dynamics
  • PA0203 Select and use a range of facilitation techniques appropriate to the identified training objective and target audience
  • PA0204 Manage the learning environment and resources
  • PA0205 Organise and sequence the session within the required timeframe
  • PA0206 Use communication skills and technology to suit the target audience

PM-04-PS03: Reflect on the effectiveness of own facilitator role

  • PA0301 Compile an evaluation sheet to review the effectiveness of own facilitation
  • PA0302 Consolidate, evaluate and reflect on completed responses
  • PA0303 Formulate improvement areas and develop an improvement plan
  • PA0304 Compile a management report on the learning intervention

242401001-WM-04, Facilitate an occupational learning session, NQF Level 5, Credits 8

Purpose of the Work Experience Modules
The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Gain exposure and experience in facilitation of a learning and development session in an authentic work environment.

WM-04-WE01: Facilitate a contextualised learning and development session under the guidance of a subject matter expert

  • WA0101 Attend at least two learning and development sessions facilitated by an third party and compile a report on key lessons about cooperative learning learned during the sessions
  • WA0102 Prepare for and facilitate a knowledge-focused session using appropriate techniques
  • WA0103 Prepare for and facilitate a practical-focused session using appropriate techniques

Supporting Evidence

  • SE0101 Evaluation report by subject matter expert
  • SE0102 Portfolio of evidence

Skills Rationale

Almost a third of the country’s population is currently unemployed.
Of the 7.2 million unemployed persons in the first quarter of 2021, more than half (52.4%) had education levels below matric, followed by those with matric at 37.7%. Only 2.1% of unemployed persons were graduates, while 7.5% had other tertiary qualifications as their highest level of education (Business Tech. The chances of employment in South Africa based on level of education, 06 June 2021).

Education is a relevant and determining factor to employment, and thence to self-sustained livelihoods. It is not so much that there is a lack of education, but rather that the learners lose interest or fail to learn because they have never been taught how to learn. This is a missing bridge between the learner and education itself.

Further, it has been reported that there has been an increase of teacher’s assistants/aids who are unskilled in education methods and learning support skills. Many rural, urban and township schools utilize unskilled or low skilled teacher’s assistants, resulting in poor learning achievements. Thus, there is an urgent need to upskill learning facilitators and/or teacher’s assistants/aids with learning support methods in this sector.

The main focus of this skills programme is to teach the learner advanced learning (study) support skills and techniques, to apply in any subject (matter) studied to help others with their learning process (studies).

There is a single unit standard 117871 Facilitate Learning Using a Variety of Given Methodologies, Level 5, 10 Credits registered on the NQF which has  expired 2023-06-30 which is used to train facilitators currently

Work Opportunities and Further Learning

A learner who successful completes this skills programme has an opportunity for further learning, with the following as options:

Credit Related Skills Programmes:

This training could be combined with other skills programmes.

Entry level requirements into this programme?

  • Certified copy of you ID document
  • NQF Level 4, with communication
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Target Audience

  • Training Managers / Supervisors / HR Managers
  • Trainers / Facilitators / Coaches
  • Skills Development Designers (SDF’s) /
  • Learning Material Designers / Moderators


QCTO Certification

QCTO RPL Brochure

QCTO Certification Fees

QCTO Implementation of RPL Policy

Online technical requirements

The system requirements for the Moodle user are modest. All you really need is a solid, reliable internet connection and a modern web browser which can be downloaded within our e Learning platform.

Operating system

  • Windows: Windows vista or higher.
  • Macintosh: Mac OS X or higher.
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