Assessment Practitioner (Assessor) Course NQF 5
An Assessment Practitioner plans for, conducts and administers assessment of learner competence in an occupational context.
Assessment practitioners are tasked with a range of responsibilities from enhancing teaching and learning to improving institutional effectiveness and providing quality assurance.
Quality Assured Partner: Quality Council for Trades & Occupations (QCTO)
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View Skills Programme Document : (220320)
View QCTO Accreditation Letter
Download Online Course Curriculum Here
Assessment Practitioner Learning Outcomes
The candidate must demonstrate that they are able to plan for, conduct and administer assessment of learner competence in an occupational context in a supervised assessment by developing the required in a supervised assessment session. The area of focus of this skills programme will be;
.242401001-KM-05, Assessment principles and practices, NQF Level 5, Credits 4
Purpose of the Knowledge Modules
The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of assessment of
learner competencies in an occupational context.
KM-05-KT01: Assessment practices, methods and concepts
- KT0101 Assessment practices (Assessment plan, Pre-assessment briefing, Evidence, Competence,
Feedback) - KT0102 Assessment concepts within the QCTO model (Internal and final integrated summative
external assessment) - KT0103 Principles of good assessment practice (Fairness, Validity, Reliability, Sufficiency,
Practicability, Currency of evidence) - KT0104 Assessment theories (Outcomes-based assessment, Competency-based assessments,
Traditional assessment) - KT0105 Types of assessment (pre-programme, continuous, formative, integrated, summative)
- KT0106 RPL Assessment objectives and practices
- KT0107 Domains of competence (practical, foundational and reflexive)
KM-05-KT02: Evidence collection and recording concepts and principles
- KT0201 Sources of evidence (Direct, Indirect, Historical)
- KT0202 Evidence collection instruments that cover assessment of all learning domains
- KT0203 Evidence collection tools (Observation assessment sheet, Knowledge assessment sheet,
End product assessment sheets, Portfolio of Evidence) - KT0204 Principles of evidence collection and submission (Validity, Accountability, Accuracy, Current,
Consistency, Sufficiency)
KM-05-KT04: Assessment administration and regulatory practices
- KT0401 Standard assessment documentation management
- KT0402 Rules of certification (Statement of results, National Certificates)
- KT0403 Record management practices
242401001-PM-06, Plan and conduct the assessment of learner competencies, NQF Level
5, Credits 8
Purpose of the Practical Skill Modules
The focus of the learning in this module is on providing the learner an opportunity to gain competencies
related to the use of assessment documents to plan and conduct assessment of candidates against specific
occupational competencies for national certification requirements.
PM-06-PS01: Prepare for assessment
- PA0101 Confirm assessment parameters and learner readiness prior to the assessment
- PA0102 Establish potential barriers to fair assessment and formulate measures to address barriers
- PA0103 Establish the suitability of the assessment environment and availability of assessment
resources, logistics and documentation
PM-06-PS02: Conduct the assessment
- PA0201 Actively engage with the candidate in a constructive, unbiased and fair manner
- PA0202 Collect and record evidence, applying best practice time management and communication
principles - PA0203 Assess the evidence for compliance to competency requirements
- PA0204 Formulate a motivated decision on candidate competence as demonstrated over a period of
time and provide guidance on remedial when necessary - PA0204 Formulate a motivated decision on candidate competence as demonstrated over a period of
time and provide guidance on remediation when necessary
PM-06-PS03: Report and record assessments
- PA0301 Draft a feedback report inclusive of remedial recommendations, where required
- PA0302 Provide feedback to the candidate and reach agreement on remedial actions, where
required - PA0303 Obtain and record feedback from the candidate on the assessment intervention
PM-06-PS04: Review assessments
- PA0401 Review the assessment process, methods of assessment, instruments and tools against
assessment principles and formulate improvement recommendation - PA0402 Appraise the evidence collected against evidence collection and evaluation principles and
formulate improvement recommendation - PA0403 Reflect on the effectiveness of the assessment and report
242401001-WM-06, Conduct assessments of learner competence, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
Purpose of the Work Experience Modules
The focus of the work experience is on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Gain exposure and experience in the assessment of a candidate in an authentic assessment environment
WM-06-WE01: Plan for and conduct an assessment of three candidates under the guidance of a
subject matter expert
Scope of Work Experience
The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
- WA0101 Plan for and prepare the candidates for the assessment
- WA0102 Conduct the assessments and record the required evidence
- WA0103 Evaluate the evidence presented and formulate a motivated assessment decision
- WA0104 Prepare for and provide feedback to the candidate and other stakeholders on the
assessment - WA0105 Conduct a quality review of the assessment and compile a motivated feedback report
Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally
The experiential learning components of this curriculum are structured as specific assignments to be
completed by the candidate. All assignments will be submitted to and evaluated by the subject matter
expertise appointed to provide support and guidance to the candidate. A portfolio of evidence that comprises
of supporting documents, completed assignments, accompanied by an evaluation report completed by the
appointed subject matter experts, will be required to meet the eligibility requirements for access to the final
integrated external assessment.
Skills Programme Rationale
Assessment skills in practice is the basis of many other qualifications and skills sets and is a skill that leads to employability. This skills programme will equip people to be able to supervise performance and
provide feedback in a professional manner.
There is a single unit standard 115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment, Level 5, 15 Credits registered on the NQF which has expired 2023-06-30 which is used to train assessors currently.
Assessment Practitioner status can lead to self-employment opportunities.
Typical learners include post school learners and college graduates on NQF Level 4 or equivalent with work experience that enables them to observe learners in practice and make judgements on competence and
quality in skills deliver. This skills programme is for people with an interest in using assessment tools to promote learning.
Work Opportunities and Further Learning
A learner who successfully completes this skills programme may be employed or self- employed as an Assessment Practitioner in the Private and Public sector. Opportunities for work can be found at Education,
Training and Development Organisations, Institutions or Schools/Colleges focussed on learning.
A learner who successfully completes this skills programme has an opportunity for further learning with the following as options
Occupational Qualification: SAQA Qualification ID:101321,
- Occupational Certificate: Training and Development Practitioner, NQF Level 05, 190
Credits. Related Skills Programmes:
- Learning and Development Facilitator, NQF Level 5, Credits 36
- Skills Development Practitioner, NQF Level 5, Credits 40
- Work Based Learning and Development Practitioner, NQF Level
5, Credits 30
Entry level requirements into this programme?
- Certified copy of your ID document
- NQF level 4, with Communication
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Target Audience
- Training Managers / Supervisors / HR Managers
- Trainers / Facilitators / Coaches
- Skills Development Designers (SDF’s) /
- Learning Material Designers / Moderators
QCTO Implementation of RPL Policy
Online technical requirements
The system requirements for the Moodle user are modest. All you really need is a solid, reliable internet connection and a modern web browser which can be downloaded within our eLearning platform.
Operating system
- Windows: Windows vista or higher.
- Macintosh: Mac OS X or higher.
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